Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bombing in Sudan

Recent bombings in Sudan have many people worried the recent peace treaty between the northern and southern part of Sudan will not last long.  A peace deal was signed in 2005 that ended the conflicts, at least momentarily.  South Kordofan is home to many communities that although they are considered part of the “north” they are pro-south.  The bombings, which are being carried out by the northern forces, are targeting these groups who they believe allegiance is slipping to southern Sudan.  These bombing have left lots of areas devastated.  Many people have been forced to flee from their home.  In addition, according to the article ethnic Nubans are being targeted due to their ethnicity by northern military. 
I included a picture I got from the article, BBC news.
Here is the link

Wow I really like this website.  I had only been to the BBC website once or twice prior to reading this article so I never really explored the site.  I like that they have a lot of supplemental material to go along with the articles.  They have pictures, and at the bottom of this article they also have graphics that divide up areas of Sudan according to geography, ethic groups, infant mortality, water  and sanitation, education, food insecurity,  and oil fields.  Check out the section titled Sudan: a divided country. It's really interesting! From these graphics it is obvious that southern Sudan is disadvantageous compared to the north.   After the section with these maps there are links that take you to more stories about Sudan and specifically the topics that were mentioned in this article.  I found this site easy to use and provided lots of details on these big news topics. 

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