Tuesday, July 19, 2011

South Sudan

Awhile back I made a post about Sudan and the conflicts that were going on there.  I thought it would be good to follow up on the issue. After many years of conflict between the north and south, and according to BBC, 1.5 million people died, the conflicts may have come to an end.  I think this great news for South Sudan.  I think that the citizens are very excited right now and will anxious to see their country succeed.  I hope that this puts an end to the conflicts and saves future lives.

 On July 9th, South Sudan became is own country. There was an independence ceremony that took place at a mausoleum of a man who played a key role in ending conflicts. The national flag of Sudan was lowered and the new flag was raised to the cheers of the crowd. The president Kiir decided to not to hand of the national flag and instead say it will be placed in a museum.  I think this was a very wise choice the presidents part.  I think it was a respectful decision not to hand over the flag where it would most likely to be destroyed.  I hope that the north and south begin to make amends and learn to respect each other as individual countries.

Here is a link to the article from the BBC

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